Organically Grown Company

Promoting health through organic agriculture as a leading sustainable organization.

For over 40 years, our vision has been to make the world a better place, one organic produce delivery at a time. With hands in the soil, Organically Grown Company (OGC) was founded back in 1978. It was a company built on the belief that organic food is simply the best way to nourish people while protecting the planet. Today, we’re the nation’s only trust-owned independent distributor of organic produce supporting farms of all sizes.
Being an organic farmer and getting fresh produce to market can be a challenge. But it’s important work, work that sparked our business and is what keeps us going every day.
The growth of OGC has been marked with incredible change. Originally established as a nonprofit farmer cooperative, we evolved as the organic marketplace matured. Our spirit of caring for each other is evident in our progression from a nonprofit to a co-op and later an employee-owned business (ESOP). In 2018, we registered as a Benefit Corporation and transitioned our ownership to the Sustainable Food and Agriculture Perpetual Purpose Trust, embedding our mission and purpose into our governance and bylaws. Learn about our services, grower-partners, products and stakeholder impact at

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